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Aircraft FFVS J22

At the onset of World War II, the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet) was equipped with largely obsolete Gloster Gladiator (J 8) biplane fighters. To augment this, Sweden ordered 120 Seversky P-35 (J 9) and 144 P-66 Vanguard (J 10) aircraft from the United States. However, on 18 June 1940 after the German occupation of Norway, the United States declared an embargo against exporting weapons to any nation other than Great Britain.
As the result, Flygvapnet suddenly faced a shortage of modern fighters. Several other foreign alternatives were considered: the Finnish VL Myrsky and Soviet Polikarpov I-16 were unsatisfactory, and while the Mitsubishi A6M Zero was available, delivery from Japan was impractical. A batch of Fiat CR.42 Falco (J 11) biplanes and Reggiane Re.2000 Falco(J 20) were eventually purchased but this was clearly an interim solution. With Flygvapnet facing a serious shortage of aircraft and Saab running at full capacity building its singleengine Saab 17 and twin-engined Saab 18 bombers.
A new firm and factory were established specifically for the new fighter Kungliga Flygförvaltningens Flygverkstad i Stockholm ("Royal Air Administration Aircraft Factory in
Stockholm", FFVS) under Bo Lundberg. The aircraft, designated J 22, was a monoplane with a plywood-covered steel airframe. Wing and fuselage layout were conventional, with the narrow-track main landing gear retracting rearward entirely within the fuselage, somewhat similar to the 1935 FockeWulf Fw 159 monoplane fighter design. Power came from a Swedish copy of the Pratt & Whitney R-1830, manufactured without a license at the time, though license fees were paid later (a symbolic US dollar1).
The J 22 first flew on 20 September 1942 from Bromma airport, where the factory was located. It entered service in October 1943, at the F9 aerodrome at Gothenburg, with the last of the 198 aircraft delivered in April 1946. Sub-assemblies for the J 22 were made by over 500 different contractors.
Operational history
The J 22 was well liked by its pilots and possessed good maneuverability and responsive controls. Forward visibility on the ground left something to be desired and if the tail wheel was
left unlocked and able to swivel during take-off there was the potential to ground-loop. In mock
dogfights with P-51 Mustangs (called J 26 in Swedish service) it was able to "hold its own" up to 5,000 metres (16,000 feet) although, above 6,000 metres (19,000 feet), without a good high altitude supercharger, it became sluggish.
J 22 pilot Ove MüllerHansen: "This was one of the finest aircraft that I have ever flown. The responsiveness of the controls and overall handling was exceptionally nice. It was not a high altitude fighter but up to about 5000 metres (16,000 feet) it could hold its own very well. We flew mock dog fights with P-51 Mustangs and they could not catch us below 4000 metres (13,000 feet) but if the fight was higher than that we had to be very careful. At altitudes above 6000 metres (19,500 feet) it was getting sluggish and at 9000 metres (29,000 feet) it was not much power left. Stalls in turns and straight forward were usually not a problem. If you pulled really hard in turn it would sometime flip over on its back. The first version, the 22-A, did not have much fire power, but the 22-B was better."
Because of its simple systems the J 22 was very easy to maintain and service. With 575 kilometres per hour (360 miles per hour) from a 795 kilowatt (1,065 horsepower) engine, the press called the diminutive fighter "World's fastest in relation to the engine power" (while not absolutely true, it was in the same class as the early marks of Supermarine Spitfire and Zero). The J 22 crews promptly modified this to "World's fastest in relation to the track width" (for which the Spitfire might also have competed), because of the very narrow wheel track.
The aircraft was retired in 1952.
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