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Armament J35 Draken
For every weapon see
- B (Name)
- A (Number)
- J (J35 A, B, D, F and J)
- M (Target)
- F (Function)
- V (Effectiveness on Target):
B: Falcon Rb 27 Radar guided AAM
A: 1 - 4
J: F and J
M: Air to Air
F: Radar guidance
V: Proximate fuse 9 m
B: Falcon Rb 28 IR guided AAM
A: 1 – 4
J: F and J
M: Air to Air
F: Guided by heat emission from enemy aircraft using a chilled IR Sensor
V: Direct hit. Explosion
B: Sidewinder Rb 24B IR AAM
A: 1 - 4 (J6)
J: A, B, D, F and J
M: Air to Air
F: Guided by heat emission from enemy aircraft using unchilled IR Sensor
V: Proximate fuse 9 m, explosion with Splinters (shrapnel)
B: Sidewinder IR Rb 24J
A: 1 - 4 (J:6)
J: D, F and J
M: Air to Air
F: Chilled IR Sensor
V: Direct hit
B: 13.5/14.5 centimeter unguided Air to Ground Rocket
B:13.5 centimeter anti personal
B: 14.5 centimeter Air to Armor
A: (13.5 centimeter); 12 (14.5 centimeter): 6
J: All versions
6. Drop tanks
7. B: 30 millimeter automatic Gun
A: Versions J, F one Gun, other versions two Guns
M: Targets; Air, ground and Sea
F: Direct hit
V: Bullet holes
B: 12.7 millimeter Automatic Gun (for training only)
A: Versions J, F one Gun, other versions two Guns
J: (B, D) (All)
M: Targets, Air, Grounded and Sea
F: Direct hit
V: Bullet holes
B: Rocket capsule 19 Rockets, 7.5 centimeter
A: 1 – 4, versions (F, J; 1 – 2)
J: (B, D) (All)
M: Versions J, B and D Air to Air, J all Targets
F: Direct hit
V: Bullet holes
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