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Link Instrument Flying Trainer Type D4
The complete equipment embodies the necessary controls, switches, gyroinstruments, and mechanisms to reproduce realistically all the major flight characteristics and instruments of the then (early 1950s) advanced training type aircraft.
The cockpit is equipped with controls and instruments identical in appearance and function with the then standard aircraft instruments. In addition the ”feeling” of flying is reproduced so realistically that the pilot feels at ease in the trainer, and he will likewise feel at ease in the training aircraft.
The trainer was made of a system of pumps, valves and bellows which responded to the pilot's controls. The inventor used his extensive knowledge in organ manufacturing to connect a motor to the trainer and mount it on a pedestal giving the pilot a range of motion. A student pilot could ”pilot” the trainer to pitch, dive, roll and climb. In training he relied on the instruments in the cockpit to ”fly” the device. The instrument readings in the cockpit are repeated to an instructor's consol outside and used to guide the student. Another important feature is that the actual flight path the student navigates was ”drawn” on a map by a mechanical apparatus.
The Link Trainer D4 was produced by Air Trainers Ltd of Aylesbury who manufactured several versions under licence from the US company, Link Aviation Devices Inc, founded and headed by Edwin Link.

The 1950s-1960s Instructor to Pilot Training

A pilot training i a simulator
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